The art of Teale Hatheway was featured on ABC 7 News! Air date: April 24, 2015.
By Adrienne AlpertAdrienne Alpert
Friday, April 24, 2015
This weekend, the Brewery Arts Complex, a home and workplace for hundreds of artists, is opening its doors to the public for a free art walk.
There are more than 500 artists living and working in the Brewery complex, which spans 23 acres, just west of the Golden State Freeway.
It first opened in 1897 and operated as a Pabst Blue Ribbon brewery for 82 years before becoming an arts complex. Now after three decades, it has been dubbed “The World’s Largest Artist Colony,” with more artists living and working there than anywhere else.
“We love having that title because it inspires other people around the world to create communities just like ours,” painter Kristine Schomaker said.
Twice a year, the artists open their studios to the public for an art show, which features photography, fashions, paintings, architecture, ceramics and sculptures, among other forms of art.
The art walk will be held Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. until 6 p.m. The Brewery is located at 2100 N. Main St. #A-10 in downtown Los Angeles. For more information check out the Brewery’s website at