When I began thinking about an installation for room 24, there were no apparent solutions…
Then I opened the window and the room took a deep breath.

Hidden Rooms: Art at the Rendon, June 2018

Room 24 - Hidden Rooms Art at the Rendon installation art by Teale Hatheway - shows hand painted curtains, draped throughout a room in a derelict old building - the soulful residue left behind as people use, pass through spaces
Room 24: Hidden Rooms - Teale Hatheway
Room 24: Hidden Rooms - Teale Hatheway
Room 24: Hidden Rooms - Teale Hatheway
Room 24: Hidden Rooms - Teale Hatheway
Room 24: Hidden Rooms - Teale Hatheway
Room 24: Hidden Rooms - Teale Hatheway
Room 24: Hidden Rooms - Teale Hatheway

When I began thinking about an installation for room 24, there were no apparent solutions.

I knew that I am drawn to ideas of memory, experience and the soulful residues left behind by people as they inhabit, use and pass through physical spaces. Just as my ideas for an installation would have to unfurl over time, the layers of energies have been growing denser in these rooms with every new generation of resident. I am aware of my experience of these energies, even if I cannot identify them.
I knew I wanted to work with materials that are fluid; not structured or dense. Light weight. Elusive. Layered. Materials that will conceal and reveal. Abstract compositions that will raise more questions than they answer. To me, these materials have attributes like the snippets of experiences I want to convey. More poetry than documentary. More guided than directed. I want to create presence in the space without adding weight to it. I’d like the room to speak for itself.

Then I opened the window. And the room took a deep breath.